Friday, May 26, 2023

Find a Card : The Easy Magic Way

A Cool Card Trick: Discovering the Spectator's Card

Listen up, my magical friends! Today we're going to learn a trick that's been around for ages. First, you'll ask someone to pick a card. Then, you'll hide their card in the deck and make it reappear later. It's going to be awesome!

The Secret Magic Move: Remembering a Card

Here's the secret: Remember another card in the deck and put it near the spectator's card. When it's time to find their card, just look for the one you remember. It's like having a special key to unlock the magic!

What You'll Need: A Deck of Cards

To make the magic happen, grab a deck of cards. They're like your magical tools!

Getting Ready: Sneaky Preparation

Before you start the trick, peek at the bottom card of the deck and remember it. Let's say it's the Seven of Hearts. This card is going to help you with the trick, so keep it in mind!

Choosing the Special Card

Now, ask someone to pick a card. In our story, let's pretend they chose the ace of spades. But here's the fun part: You don't know which card they picked! The card you're focused on is still the Seven of Hearts at the bottom of the deck.

Returning the Chosen Card

Have the person put their card, the ace of spades, back in the deck. Cut the deck to complete the trick. Now, take the bottom card (the Seven of Hearts) and place it on top of their card.

Picture this: The Seven of Hearts is going to sit right on top of the ace of spades. But remember, you still don't know that the spectator's card is the ace of spades!

Shuffling the Magic

Give the deck a couple cuts. Even if you cut the cards up, it won't change the order. The special card you remembered is still next to the chosen card. Isn't that cool?

Finding the Spectator's Card

Here's the trick: Look at the cards facing you and search for the card you remembered, the Seven of Hearts. When you spot it, the card beneath it will be the spectator's card, the ace of spades in our story.

If you see the Seven of Hearts at the bottom of the deck, that means the spectator's card is now on top. The cutting moved the cards around, but you can still find their card!

Showing Off the Magic: Bringing the Card to the Top

Now, cut the cards in your hand and move the selected card to the top of the deck.

If the spectator's card is already on top after the cutting, then you're all set. You don't have to do anything else.

Ask the person to tell you the name of their card. Then, flip over the top card of the deck to reveal their card right there on top. Ta-da! The magic is complete!

You can amaze your friends with a few tricks like this. But I'm always available to come and entertain your group as well. Great Scott "It Must Be Magic!"

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Magic In the Corporate World

Magic tricks have long been a source of entertainment and amazement, but did you know that they can also be used in the corporate world? Here are just a few ways that magic tricks can be used to enhance business presentations and meetings:

Engaging Audiences

A presentation or meeting can benefit from the use of magic tricks to draw in the audience and keep them attentive. Consider the scenario where you are presenting to a crowd of prospective customers about the advantages of a new good or service. You can add a sense of surprise and excitement to your presentation that will help keep the audience's attention and enhance the impact of your message by incorporating a few magic tricks.

For instance, you might start off your presentation with a simple card trick, where you ask a volunteer from the audience to select a card and then magically produce it from your pocket. This can grab the audience's attention and set the tone for the rest of your presentation. You can then use other magic tricks throughout your presentation to illustrate key points and keep the audience engaged. For example, you might use a magic trick to demonstrate how your product solves a particular problem or to highlight the benefits it offers.

Demonstrating Concepts

Magic tricks can be a fun and interactive way to demonstrate complex concepts or ideas. For example, imagine you are trying to explain a complex financial concept to a group of clients. You could use a magic trick to illustrate the principle in a more concrete and easy-to-understand way.

For instance, you could use a coin or card magic trick to illustrate the concept of supply and demand. By breaking it down to its basic elements you can simplify it for your audience and help them comprehend and remember the information. Plus, using a magic trick can make the concept more relatable and interesting.

When working with groups that might have trouble understanding abstract concepts, using a magic trick to demonstrate the concepts can be especially effective. If crafted correctly to make abstract ideas concrete and interactive, you can make it easier for your audience to comprehend and remember.

Here is a simple example to demonstrate my point using a deck of cards.

First, choose a card trick that involves the audience making a choice or a prediction. For example, you could have a volunteer choose a card from a deck and then try to guess what it is, or you could have the audience try to predict which card you will choose next. There are many ways of doing this (I’m not writing a magic tutorial, but here are a couple resources for some great beginner tricks :

Basic Card Magic: 25 Easy Card Magic Tricks for Beginners

Easy Magic Tricks: 25 Beginner Magic Tricks with Everyday Objects

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Once you have performed the card trick, you can use it to illustrate a business principle such as "opportunity cost." Opportunity cost is the idea that when you choose one option, you are giving up the opportunity to choose an alternative option.

For example, let's say that you have a volunteer choose a card from a deck and then try to guess what it is. You could explain that when the volunteer chose a particular card, they were giving up the opportunity to choose any of the other cards in the deck. This is similar to how a business might choose to invest in one project, but in doing so, it is giving up the opportunity to invest in an alternative project.

You could also use a card trick to demonstrate the principle of "marginal analysis," which is the idea of considering the additional benefits and costs of a decision. For example, let's say that you have the audience try to predict which card you will choose next. You could explain that each time you make a decision about which card to choose, you are considering the additional benefits and costs of that decision (e.g., the probability of guessing correctly, the potential rewards or consequences). This is similar to how a business might consider the additional benefits and costs of investing in a new project or making a change to its operations.

Building Relationships

A great way to break the ice and develop relationships with clients or coworkers is through performing a quick magic trick. You can showcase your creativity and establish a friendly rapport with a client or coworker by performing a magic trick for them.

For example, imagine you are trying to build a relationship with a new client. You might start off the meeting by showing them a simple magic trick, such as making a coin disappear or guessing their chosen card. This can help to break the ice and create a more relaxed and friendly atmosphere, which can make it easier to build a relationship with the client.

In a similar vein, you could use magic to win over your coworkers. As an example, you might perform a magic trick for a coworker during a break or after a meeting to strengthen your relationship. Sharing an entertaining activity with your coworkers, like a magic trick, can improve the atmosphere at work and help you develop closer bonds with them.Overall, magic tricks can be a useful tool for building relationships with clients and colleagues, as they provide a fun and non-threatening way to demonstrate your creativity and build rapport with others.

Enhancing Creativity

Your creativity and problem-solving abilities may be improved by learning and practicing magic tricks. As you train and execute tricks, you'll need to use your imagination to generate fresh concepts and solutions. In the corporate world, where the capacity to think creatively is frequently highly valued, this can be a useful skill. Consider the situation where you are attempting to develop a fresh marketing strategy for a product. You might discover that you are more creative and have better problem-solving skills after practicing and performing magic tricks. This might be the case because performing magic tricks requires you to use your imagination and come up with novel ways to frame and address issues, both of which can enhance your general creativity and problem-solving abilities.

In addition to enhancing your creativity, learning magic tricks can also help to improve your focus and concentration, as you will need to pay close attention to the details of each trick and practice regularly in order to master them. These can be helpful in the workplace, where the ability to focus and concentrate is essential for success.


Overall, magic tricks can be a useful tool in the corporate world, offering a fun and engaging way to capture the attention of an audience, demonstrate concepts, build relationships, and enhance creativity. So the next time you have a business presentation or meeting, consider incorporating a few magic tricks to make it more memorable and effective!

You can learn an easy magic trick by reading Time to Learn a Magic Trick.

Magic and a Child's Social and Emotional Development.

Fun and Rewarding

For kids, learning magic can be a fun and rewarding activity that also supports their social and emotional growth in a variety of ways.

While there haven't been any studies that specifically looked at the connection between learning magic and kids' social and emotional development, there is evidence that shows engaging in creative activities like performing arts or hobbies can benefit kids' overall development.

For instance, a review of the literature in the Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy revealed that involvement in the arts was linked to a number of favorable outcomes for young people, including increased self-esteem and self-confidence, improved problem-solving and critical thinking skills, and improved social skills and relationships with peers.

Similar findings were found in a study that was published in the Journal of Research in Music Education, which showed that children's involvement in music education was linked to a number of advantageous outcomes, such as improved social skills and peer relationships, elevated self-esteem and self-concept, and improved cognitive and academic abilities.

Despite the fact that these studies did not focus on magic specifically, they do provide evidence for the positive effects of creative and expressive activities on kids' social and emotional growth. As learning magic requires children to focus, think creatively, communicate, and interact with others, it is likely that it will have similar advantages.

1. "The Role of the Arts in Fostering Social and Emotional Development" published in the Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy

2. "The Impact of Music Education on Social and Emotional Development in Early Childhood" published in the Journal of Research in Music Education

Focus and Problem-solving

Because children must pay close attention to the specifics of each trick and use their imagination to figure out how to perform it, learning magic requires a lot of concentration and focus. As they must maintain concentration and exercise critical thinking in order to comprehend and execute the tricks, this can aid in developing children's problem-solving abilities and attention span.

Children's memory and cognitive abilities can be enhanced as they practice and perform magic tricks, which require them to remember and recall a variety of details and steps. As an illustration, they might have to recall how to set up a trick, what props to use, and what to say and do while performing. Focus, attention to detail, memory recall, and the capacity to apply knowledge are all skills that are necessary for all of this, and they can aid in enhancing children's cognitive abilities.

Self Assurance

Children must also practice and develop new skills in order to learn magic, which can be a demanding and rewarding activity. They will experience pride in their abilities as they advance in magic performance skill. This can help them feel good about themselves and their achievements, which can help to increase their self-confidence and self-esteem. A child's self-confidence and self-esteem can also be raised by performing magic tricks in front of others. They will have the chance to feel proud of themselves and receive positive attention from others as they perform in front of an audience. As a result, they may become more self-assured and have a feeling of more competence and confidence.

In general, learning magic can be a great way for kids to increase their self-esteem and confidence as they push themselves to learn new tricks and perform in front of others. This might translate into becoming more assured in other facets of their lives, such as academics, sports, or social interactions, as they develop their magic skills.


Also, As it offers a shared interest and activity that they can engage in together, magic can be a fantastic way for kids to socialize and make new friends. It can be entertaining and interesting for kids to interact and form bonds with other kids who have a similar interest in magic. Many kids enjoy learning and practicing magic tricks.

Magic can be used as an enjoyable activity for the whole family as well as an effective conversation starter and a means for kids to start friendships. For instance, if a youngster witnesses another youngster performing a magic trick, he or she might be compelled to ask about it. This can be a fantastic way for kids to strike up a conversation and get to know one another, and it might even result in the formation of new friendships.

Communication Skills

Since performing magic requires them to speak clearly and confidently in front of an audience, using magic can be a great way for kids to develop their public speaking and communication skills. They will have the chance to hone their presentation abilities and amp up their confidence in their capacity to interact with others as they practice and perform tricks. This confidence boost can be tremendous for kids.

As 'magicians' children need to use all their communication skills to interact and engage with their audience in addition to speaking clearly and confidently. Prior to or following a trick, they might have to solicit volunteers or engage in small talk with spectators. All of this necessitates effective interpersonal relations and communication skills, which can obviously be very useful in all areas of life.


Overall, learning magic can be an enjoyable and stimulating activity that can aid kids in growing a variety of critical social and emotional competencies. It can increase their self-assurance, sharpen their focus and problem-solving abilities, aid in the formation of new friendships, and help them hone their communication and public speaking skills.

Additional reading Six Ways Learning Magic Tricks Can Benefit Kids!

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

3 of the Best, Unique, Magic Kits for Kids in 2023

So your son or daughter are interested in magic. a great way to get introduced to the mysterious world of magic is with a good, all around magic kit. Magic kits for kids are always a popular birthday or Christmas gift, but with so many on the market, which one is the best? Here is a list of a few of the best magic kits for kids in 2023. These kits have everything your child need to perform amazing magic tricks. They are perfect for kids aged 6-12. So, if you are looking for a gift that will make your child the star of the show, one of these kits is sure to do the trick!


Penn and Teller Magic Kit

As world-renowned magicians and illusionists, Penn and Teller have been astounding audiences for decades with their blend of comedy and magic. They have also become popular television personalities, appearing on shows such as Celebrity Apprentice, America's Got Talent, and their own series Penn and Teller: Fool Us!.

So it's no surprise that Penn and Teller have created their own magic kit for kids! This kit comes with everything a budding magician needs to perform amazing tricks, including step-by-step instructions from Penn and Teller themselves. The price point is similar to other 'no name' magic kits. However the props included are pretty standard stuff and somewhat limited compared to other offerings. What may be most beneficial is the DVD that is included with the kit. Penn and Teller are the actual instructors on the DVD(along with a Digital Copy). So the star appearance may help to keep your budding magician interested longer and allow them to master more.

Find a copy at Not an affiliate.


Magic Kit

Learn & Climb Mega Magic Kit for Kids

This kit is one of the more prop-heavy magic kits available. And the price point is better than most. With the 28 magic props in this ultimate magic set for kids, your child can perform hundreds of tricks. This is the largest selection of magic props that I've seen on the market in one kit.

The magic set comes with step-by-step magical instructions. Your children will be able to follow along and quickly learn each trick. They will be able to easily transport their props in the included carrying case. This is the perfect gift for any occasion.

Your children will love being able to amaze their family and friends with their new found magic skills. This magic set will provide hours of enjoyment.

Find this Magic Kit on amazon with this affiliate link.


national geographic magic kit

Magic Science Your Kids Will Love!

If you're looking for a magic kit that is not your common fare, look no further than the Magic Science Your Kids Will Love! This kit comes with 20 different science experiments that are sure to amaze both girls and boys. With experiments like bending metal with water, creating a vanishing test tube, and making a coin float, your kids will be wowing their friends and family in no time.

Not only are these science experiments lots of fun, but they're also super informative. With each experiment, your kids will learn about different scientific concepts and principles. They'll have a blast while they're learning, and you'll be able to rest assured knowing that they're getting a well-rounded education.

So if you're looking for a fun and educational activity for your kids, order the Magic Science Your Kids Will Love kit! They won't be disappointed.

Find this Magic Kit at amazon Affiliate link.

Thursday, December 1, 2022

Choosing a Magician? Here Are Some Things to Consider.

"How do I choose a magician?" you ask. Good question -- and one I think few would think about until it comes time to do that very thing. So, here is my professional opinion.  Yes, professional. Because I've been entertaining clients  in a variety of venues full time for more than 19 years. And that has given me a good perspective on what is needed.  What follows are my top things to look for when trying to decide who should entertain at your event.

Professional or Amateur?

The obvious question is "Do I hire a professional or an amateur?" At first blush, you would think professional is the best. But then you think about the cost. It makes sense that pros are more expensive. So how do you strike that balance between cost and professionalism?  The truth? That is the wrong way to look at it.

A professional by definition is one who earns a living at a specific activity. It is not merely a pastime or a hobby. It's a career.  Though, in truth, there are many amateurs who put a lot of time into the art of magic. Technically, they know how the 'tricks' work and can adequately perform the mechanics. Some are extremely proficient at doing the 'moves' and executing the tricks. However, there is no substitute for actual, real-life performance. And that is where the professional will shine. After performing thousands of shows for countless numbers of people, working in almost as many different situations, dealing with every conceivable problem, it has a way of smoothing out the rough edges. The chances of getting a bad performance dramatically drop at that point. Having something unexpected happen at an event is still going to happen, but the pro will have 'been there, done that' and should be able to rise to the occasion and overcome the obstacles -- most times without you even know a potential problem existed.

Along with that, a pro has worked out routines that will seem effortless and can add in subtleties that make a performance shine. The show is more than a series of tricks, its a well-honed and polished event. The focus is on entertainment -- amazement and laughter.

Entertainer Pricing

 How much should you pay for a magician's services?  That is a question which is top -of-mind for a lot of hosts or organizers looking to book a magician. The answer really depends.  Strategies vary based on budget concerns and quality concerns. There are some who are strictly price conscious. I've actually had phone calls where the client's first words are "How much do you charge?".  In those cases my price is typically . . . too much.  There really is a lot to consider before getting to price though. Where is the venue? If there is a lot of travel involved, the price will necessarily be higher. But if the performance is top-notch, that extra expense may be worth it to you.  Another question is who is the audience?   Children, adults, families -- they each have different needs and  requirements. Corporate events,  cub  scout banquets, schools,  and birthday parties  also have different needs and different shows and performance styles. How a many are expected to attend the show? Size of venue can determine the size of the show to some degree also. A good professional will be able to walk you through the process of deciding what type of show will work best for your event. Based on that information, both a price and the best quality show can be arranged.

Basically, if your magician doesn't ask you some of these basic questions, you should move on. A pro will  want to understand  your needs.

What type of event are you hosting?

That is an important question. It will determine the type of show and to some extent the cost. It can also determine the best fit for a magical entertainer.

Birthday Magician

If you are planning a child's birthday party, but the magician doesn't do many birthday party performances, you may want to look elsewhere. Trust me, entertaining children is not for amateurs. You really need to know how to engage children at their level to grab and keep their attention for a 30 - 60 minute time span. A pro can make this seem effortless. But experience is the key here.  I think back on shows I did when I first started out and realize they were  . . .adequate. Now, after years of performing and hundreds and hundreds of birthday parties for all age groups, I know what a specific group will enjoy. A group of 4 year olds vs a group of  8 year olds or 10 year olds are vastly different. Boys vs girls -- also different.  Now days the trend is for the parents to stay for the party. So, my show needs to work on two levels -- silly for the kids, but with just enough wow factor and humor to impress the adults in the room. You want your magician to be able to entertain everyone -- even if the show is 'just for the kids'.

Along with that, can the magician add anything extra? Balloon creations are big with children. Most of the parties I perform at have me twist balloons after the magic show. This really doesn't have to be a major part of the performance, but it should be entertaining. Again, the adults like to see the clever designs that a balloon can be twisted into. Add in a some clever patter and this is a nice addition to a show.  How about add-ons. Some magicians have a tiered pricing  system. Basic show, longer show, additions etc. Its a great way to fit a show to your budget. Maybe you don't want the balloons. No problem,  Maybe you like the magician. You've heard great things about him, but the price for the show is just a bit much.  Well the basic, shorter show may suit you better.

Maybe price isn't your concern.  Quality is. You want the kids entertained for as long as possible. You also want to off-load as much of the hassle as possible. For instance, I offer goodie bags for busy moms who want one less thing to do. Plus I don't  load these up with candy. They have a magic book and a couple other items included that will make a birthday mom look good to the other parents. Your magician should have options such as these to fit your budget and time requirements. 

Entertaining Adults

Whether you  are planning an in-home party, wedding, corporate banquet or other such event, you want a magician that can add some fun yet sophistication to the event. Sophistication doesn't mean a tuxedo-clad guy speaking with perfect diction and sporting a top hat. It does mean he will be able to relate on an adult level with the guests. Fun and friendly. A bit playful, but not recklessly crazy. And in most cases -- clean humor. Personally, I never work 'blue'. Everything I say at an adult venue could be said in front of your child. Clever is the key to this. If you want entertainment for every adult, make sure your magician is an adult too -- in every way.  Enough said.

What type of Show do you need?

Here are the two primary options that are available for magic. Both work well for adult venues like business awards banquets, wedding receptions, charity fund raisers etc. Not every magician is proficient in both areas. Closeup and Stage magic are not the same and require different audience interaction skills. But a good professional will ask you the questions needed to determine the correct type of entertainment needed. Listen for those questions.

Closeup Magic

There are a couple standard options for magical entertainment. If  you are hosting a gathering where people will come and go, or will be gathering for cocktails prior to the main event, you may want closeup magic. This goes by several names -- mingle magic, strolling magic, but it all describes the same thing. During this performance, the magician will stroll throughout the venue and performing for and entertaining small groups with 'pocket' tricks. This is magic that happens in the audience members' hand or right under their nose. That really is a great way to get everyone involved in a common experience without having to gather everyone together into one place to watch a full show.
Later on, you'll hear people from laughing and talking together about the magic - even though they didn't experience the performance at the same time. Bingo, Instant conversation starter.

Stage Magic

Do you have a stage, or a 'stage' area and want to entertain all your guests at once? This is the type of show you want. But what makes a good stage magician?  Experience, experience, experience. The more shows performed, the better and more polished the show will be. Plus you want someone who gets has lots of interaction with the members of the audience. Working 'clean' is good too. Some magicians like to add in innuendo or other 'comedy club' techniques. That may be fine for your audience, but it's my feeling that a clever comment can be more entertaining and certainly less offensive to every member of your audience.

How do you determine the quality of the show? Testimonials on the performers website certain help. Video should be available as well.  And of course, if you have a recommendation from someone you trust that helps as well.

The more you know about a magician, the better. This will help you make an informed decision about which one to choose.

When you're finally ready to choose a magician, make sure to go with your gut. If you have a good feeling about someone, they're probably the right choice.

A good magician should be able to make your event memorable and enjoyable. They should be Professional, personable, and attentive to your needs. Choose a magician that you feel confident in and you're sure to have a great time.

Great Scott "It Must Be Magic!"

Six Ways Learning Magic Tricks Can Benefit Kids!

Have you ever wondered how magicians perform their tricks? A lot of children want to know. While that curiosity is great, did you know that learning magic tricks can benefit kids in many ways! For one, it can improve their problem-solving and memory skills. In addition, it can boost their confidence since they will be able to impress their friends and family members with their magic tricks. So, how does one go about learning magic tricks? There are many resources available, such as books, online tutorials, and even magic kits. The most important thing is to practice regularly. With a little bit of practice, your child will be able to amaze everyone with their magic skills! 1. Learning magic tricks can help kids develop important life skills. 2. Magic tricks can teach kids how to be creative and think outside the box. 3. Performing magic tricks can help kids build confidence and public speaking skills. 4. Magic tricks can also help kids learn to focus and pay attention to detail. 5. Kids who learn magic tricks often do better in school and in life overall. 6. Magic tricks can be a fun and engaging way for kids to learn.

1. Learning magic tricks can help kids develop important life skills.

Kids can benefit from learning magic tricks in many ways. One of the ways is that it can help them develop important life skills.Some of the skills that kids can develop include: Confidence is one of the most important skills that kids can develop, and learning magic tricks can help with that. When kids are able to perform a magic trick and make people smile, they feel a sense of accomplishment and pride. This can help build their confidence and self-esteem. Magic tricks also require kids to practice patience and concentration. Performing a magic trick usually takes quite a bit of practice before it is perfected. This can help kids learn to be patient and to focus on a task until it is completed. Another important life skill that kids can learn from magic tricks is public speaking. When kids perform magic tricks, they have to speak in front of an audience. This can help them to overcome any shyness or stage fright that they may have. Public speaking is a useful skill to have in many different situations in life. Learning magic tricks can also help kids to develop a good memory. Magic tricks often require kids to remember a lot of different steps in the right order. This can help to improve their memory and concentration. Overall, learning magic tricks can help kids to develop important life skills that will be useful to them in many different situations.

2. Magic tricks can teach kids how to be creative and think outside the box.

Most people think of magic tricks as a way to entertain others or to make them laugh. But did you know that learning magic tricks can actually benefit kids in many ways? For starters, magic tricks can teach kids how to be creative and think outside the box. In order to perform a magic trick, you often have to come up with creative solutions to problems. For example, how are you going to make that coin disappear? thinking creatively can also help kids in other areas of their life, such as school. If they can learn to think outside the box and come up with creative solutions to problems, they'll be more likely to succeed in school. In addition to teaching kids how to be creative, magic tricks can also help them develop other important skills. For example, magic tricks can help kids learn to focus and pay attention to detail. In order to perform a magic trick, you have to be able to focus on what you're doing and pay attention to every detail. This is a skill that can be transferred to other areas of life, such as schoolwork or a future career. Lastly, magic tricks can also be a great way to boost a child's self-confidence. Performing a magic trick in front of an audience can be a daunting task, but if they're able to do it successfully, it can be a great confidence booster. So, if you're looking for a way to help your child develop important skills and boost their self-confidence, consider teaching them some magic tricks. Who knows, you might even have some fun in the process!

3. Performing magic tricks can help kids build confidence and public speaking skills.

When most people think of magic tricks, they tend to think of sleight of hand and illusions performed by professional magicians. However, magic tricks can also be a great way for kids to have fun and learn new skills. Performing magic tricks can help kids build confidence and public speaking skills. Many children are shy when it comes to speaking in front of others. Performing magic tricks can help them overcome this shyness. When a children performs a magic trick, they are the center of attention. This can help them build their confidence and learn to enjoy being in front of others. In addition, performing magic tricks can help kids practice their public speaking skills. They need to be able to explain the trick to the audience and answer any questions they may have. This can be a great way for kids to learn how to speak clearly and confidently in front of others.--which can help them learn to communicate and cooperate with others. In addition, kids will often need to practice their magic tricks alone to get them right. This can be a great way for children to learn discipline and the need to stick with a task.

4. Magic tricks can also help kids learn to focus and pay attention to detail.

When children are first learning magic tricks, they need to pay attention to detail in order to complete the task correctly. This can be difficult for some kids, but by practicing and focusing on the task at hand, they can improve their attention span. As children get better at magic tricks, they also learn to focus on the audience and not get distracted by their own hands. This requires them to pay attention to the reactions of the people around them, and to be aware of their own movements. By learning to focus and pay attention to detail, children can improve their performance in magic tricks and also develop important life skills.

5. Kids who learn magic tricks often do better in school and in life overall.

Some people might think that learning magic tricks is a waste of time for kids. However, there are actually many benefits that come from learning how to perform magic. For one, kids who learn magic tricks often do better in school and in life overall. One reason that kids who learn magic tricks often do better in school is because it helps them develop important life skills. For example, they have to learn how to pay attention to detail and how to practice perseverance. These are both skills that are important for doing well in school. In addition, learning magic tricks can also help kids develop confidence. This is because when a child is learning how to do do a trick, he or she has to practice performing alone to get the moves and ‘patter’ just right. Then it can be easier to perform it in front of others. This way they become more confident in their abilities. Later, this structured approach can be applied to school work and other life skills—making them more likely to succeed in those areas as well. In addition to doing better in school, kids who learn magic tricks often have better life outcomes overall. This is because learning magic tricks can help kids develop important life skills such as problem-solving and critical thinking. These skills can help kids succeed in all areas of their life, not just in school. In addition, kids who learn magic tricks often have higher self-esteem. This is because they feel proud of their accomplishments when they learn new tricks and they feel like they can achieve anything they set their mind to. Overall, there are many benefits that come from learning magic tricks. So, if you’re looking for a way to help your child succeed, consider teaching him or her a few magic tricks.

6. Magic tricks can be a fun and engaging way for kids to learn.

Most people think of magic tricks as simply a way to entertain others. However, magic tricks can actually be a fun and engaging way for kids to learn. There are many benefits to teaching kids magic tricks. One benefit is that kids will learn to be patient. Magic tricks often require a great deal of practice and patience to perfect. By learning to be patient, kids will be able to persevere through difficult tasks and achieve their goals. Another benefit is that kids will learn to be resilient. A performance will sometimes not go as planned. If a child is able to laugh it off and keep going, he or she will develop a valuable skill that will help him or her in all aspects of their life. Lastly, as mentioned prior, magic tricks can help build kids' confidence. Performing a magic trick in front of others can be nerve-wracking. However, if a child is able to overcome their nerves and perform the trick successfully, they will feel a sense of accomplishment and boost their confidence. Plus, learning magic tricks can simply be a lot of fun for kids! It can be a great way for them to use their imaginations and to be creative.

If you would like futher reading on this topic, refer to Magic and a Child's Social and Emotional Development.

Great Scott "It Must Be Magic!"

Thursday, August 30, 2018

End of Summer Lull

Here we are at the end of another summer -- well, at least for those who are getting ready for 'back to school'.  That would include students of all ages, parents of students of all ages, teachers, day camp staff, daycare staff, librarians, youth workers of all types . . . and me.

Yup. As kids get ready for school -- everything grinds to a halt and the gears get changed as the ramp up to school begins.  For me that means a week or two of relaxing from the running. I put a lot of miles on during the summer months -- mostly local, within 60 miles or so. There are SO MANY shows to perform with libraries, day camps, daycares, company picnics, reunions, birthdays, etc that I don't spend much time around the home at all. So, right now -- I'm taking a breather as everyone else retools and tries to get that one last vacation in, or scurry about getting new clothing, school supplies and the like.   I'm sitting here writing a blog.

But. . . school is coming very soon -- even for me. Then I'll be off and running with a load of magic props and educational content for elementary students throughout the Midwest. And I'll be loving it. Hope I can get to your or your student's school this year with one of my Assembly Programs. If you want to see more about my shows, visit  Then call me. I'll have my phone with me ready to schedule a great show for you!!