Thanksgiving day is almost here. It's a day that sort of gets lost in the rush toward Christmas and all the shopping, hussle and bussle. So I would like to encourage you to, along with me, take a little time and consider all that you have to be thankful for. It's been a full year. Some things have gone my way. Some things haven't. I've had some disappointments...and some triumphs.
If I'm to be honest with myself, I'd rather not go through the 'down' times. But it is also those very times that provide the perspective that brings me true thanks. In fact, that's what Thanksgiving is about. Consider that first Thanksgiving at Plymouth. It had been a long, hard 10 months getting that colony established. Months filled with struggle and no-doubt some fear. That's why they gave thanks when the harvest came in. They had some perspective.
Consider also that first proclamation for a National day of thanks from Abraham Lincoln. The country was in the midst of a civil war. However, there was hope. That is what that proclamation was about.